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Technology Addiction

Technology Addiction also known as Internet Addiction is a disorder that involves the inability to control of using various kind of technology, in particular the Internet, gadgets like smartphones, tablets and also the social networking sites we have like Facebook, Twitter, Instragram, Snapchat and Youtube. People who are commonly affected with this disorder is the millennial people but because of the fact that technology can make our work easier it is also possible that this disorder may affect anybody that is using technology in their everyday life. Having this disorder is so common today. People have become enslaved to their devices and it’s difficult for the regain control. Regaining control means setting up boundaries with technology. Here are some of the common habit of technology addicts and ways to resolve them.

Generation X-Which pertains to the millennial on our society that is in the era of modern technology

* Skip the morning digital check in.

- As we observed, first thing we will do after waking up is to find our phone to check our email and notifications in Facebook or Instagram. Change the activity instead do activities without your device like do some yoga, stretching, meditate yourself, cook breakfast, arrange your things, clean the house, water the plants and read newspapers or books.

* Stop web searching for everything

- Most people now search everything on Internet if they have questions, they are looking for inspirations and etc. that’s why they are slowly depending because they know they have technology to give what they want, or to know what they need to know without any effort. This habit should be stop by trusting your guts, yourself that you can do it and putting efforts if you want a thing like if you want to know something, go to the library.

* Stop using devices at all times

- Devices can create barrier to experience the beauty of life. In yourself, you must know your limitations of using technology and not abuse it. You can set your rules, just like no using of gadgets while having a meal with this you can create a simple boundary between yourself and the technology.


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